Sunday, August 7, 2016


It's August, which in a teacher's life that means back to work.
A fresh start. Another year. A blank canvas.
What will we do with the next 180 days of school?
Well, I have to say that I expect really great things.

I truly can not believe that this past week I began my 5th year of teaching. 
It has flown by. I remember my first set of students and my very first, first day of school (as a teacher) like it was yesterday. 

As I sit back and reflect on my previous four years of teaching to help prepare for the new year, I can't help but to be so thankful for all that The Lord has provided through working at Northside. 

To start off the year, that's what I'm going to do--sit here and reflect on what has come from my first 4 years of working at my school.

Let me start with this: To this day, the first (and only) time in my life that I have ever cried, uncontrollable, "happy tears" was when I left my initial interview at Northside and was told that I got the job. The goodness and provision of The Lord overwhelmed me literally to the point of tears where I had to sit in my car (and I just barely made it there) and compose myself before driving home! I was a mess and it was so weird to me--I've never cried true happy tears before. It was my first interview and ended up being my last since I accepted on the spot. I just knew. But BOY, did God have more in store for me than I could have EVER imagined that day. 
My biggest blessing is this sweet, handsome hubby of mine. 
I love to look back and tell this story--I remember going to my "follow up" at the school after learning that I got the job and being walked around by the current teacher in my classroom. I came to observe her classroom that day and she wanted me to meet the other special education teachers that I would be working with. That was the first time I met Jason Ellis! I remember thinking 1. how cute he was, 2. how tall he was, and 3. how neat it was to have a male special education teacher, especially at the elementary level. I went home after meeting Jason and gushed to my Mom about how I would be working with the most handsome man! We always laugh about that but when I really sit and think about it, it's so neat to look back now, on where I was in my life during that time, and see The Lord's provision through leading me to Northside. Not just because of how much I love working there and not just because of my students and my coworkers but, because He led me to my husband! 
These ladies.
If I've said it once, I've said it 1,000 times. I wouldn't (actually, couldn't) get ANYTHING done in our classroom without these two women by my side. They not only keep me sane but they keep me laughing through it all--our good, rough, best, worst, and craziest days. I can't tell you how many times we have put the last student on the bus and all sat at our desks, exhausted, and looked at one another and just died laughing because of the amount of absurdity that happened in those 8 hours! They are such a large part of why I love my job and my workplace so incredibly much. The Lord absolutely knew what He was doing when He placed us together and made us a team. I am so thankful for their hearts for our students, their patience, their work ethic, their senses of humor, their dedication to giving our students their best, and above all else, their love for The Lord and their willingness and obedience to let that drive how they help me teach and how we love our students. I could go on and on about them and how thankful I am. Here's to another year in room 24 with these amazing ladies!

The kids.
I am looking back on 4 years worth of kids that have gone through my classroom. Anywhere from 1 week to the whole school year.
34 children who have been under the love, care, and instruction of the women in room 24.
I feel like we have seen it all. We have had the largest variety of children come though our room. The chattiest ones you could ever meet, that know no boundaries, to the ones who do not speak a single word that you can understand. We have had the ones who can do most of the work that we give them in reading in math to the ones who we are working on social and self-helps skills with. We see so much and we have to accommodate and make learning real and tangible in so many different ways. We always talk about in our classroom how yes, we have IEP goals that we work on, but our main goal is to have these kids love school. To have them feel successful. To have them feel loved and encouraged. We want them to leave our classroom knowing that they can, in whatever way that may look like. We want them to know just how much they matter, not just to us, but to this world.
It's a heavy task, but it's one that we do with joy and pleasure, knowing that we are doing the work that The Lord created us to do. 
Support and love.
Many of you know that Jason and I endured, what we consider, a huge loss when our 16 week old puppy passed away in February. It was such a sad time and when I came back to work the following Monday, I was floored by the support and love that outpoured from my coworkers and the kids at the school.  This is what I wrote when I sat down to write about that day:
"This is what work looked like for me today. I got to work that Monday, already teary eyed due to the fact that I was 15 minutes earlier because I didn't have a sweet little poodle to soak up every minute with that morning. Before the bell rang for the kids to come in, a co-worker gifted me with that sweet little poodle beanie baby. Cue the tears. Then, not even 5 minutes pass and a student from my "next door neighbor's" classroom walks in with a hand FULL of cards they had made me. Needless to say, I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love, hugs, and kind words from my Northside family today. I think my Mom said it best when I shared with her these priceless gifts: "How sweet. That is so sweet. Neat community there." And it is oh so sweet. Thank you Jesus for using your people to comfort my heart during this sad time."
Even as I retype about this, those feelings still ring true. How sweet to have a community that cares and takes them time to let you know that. 

I could probably one day write a book about all that I've learned from working at Northside and teaching Special Education. But, for now I will stop here and promise myself right now, that throughout all of this year, remember these blessings and the many other that The Lord has given me through my workplace. 

Here are a few posts that have previously been written that are about our classroom/line of work:

Lastly,  here's a sneak peek into our classroom--ready and waiting for 8, new little bodies to join us for this joyful, exciting, new year!

If you're reading this--I ask you to pray for us as begin year 5 tomorrow!
I think it will be my best one yet!

1 comment:

  1. Charlotte WarfieldAugust 7, 2016 at 6:34 PM

    Oh, how I wish my baby was going to be one of the eight little bodies this year!! I am very thankful for all three of you ladies. You did indeed teach my baby to love school - and so much more, and I love y'all for loving her so much!! We miss y'all and are praying for a wonderful school year!
