Sunday, December 7, 2014

Christmas Cheer

Most of you know that I am a Special Education teacher. 
I love it.  It's not always easy, by any means, but it's a joy and a privilege to teach, encourage, love, and guide these children the two years that I have them. 
It would be sufficient to say that they teach me just as much as I teach them. 
I've had some pretty sweet moments in my classroom. 
Student's who are non verbal, speaking single words. 
A child using the bathroom in the potty rather than a pull up. 
Sounding out a word, correctly. 
Writing a single letter.
Responding when talked to. 
Making it into the Accelerated reader club. 
Musical concerts. 
Seeing them buddy up with kids on the playground.
The list goes on, and on, and on. 

Friday was one of those sweet moments. 
My class goes to specials, lunch, recess, etc. with a general education class. 
We were in art yesterday and once all of the children finished their drawings, the art teacher had a "share time" where they could each go to the front and show what they had drawn. 
After about 9-10 students had gone to the front, I walked to each of mine to see if any of them wanted to share their drawings. The little girl in my class shook her head yes. So of course, I excitedly tell her to hurry up to the front of the art room! She hangs her head and begins to quickly shake it back and forth. She didn't want to walk up there alone. I bent down close to her and asked her if I walked with her, would she go? She shook her head yes and quickly jumped out of her seat, drawings in hand, and hid behind me. We walked together to the front, her grip tightening around me as we pass each child in their desk. When we made it to the front, she wouldn't even come out from behind me. She had both arms wrapped around me and I could tell that she wasn't about to let go any time soon. I asked her for both of her drawings and I help them up for her, one at a time, and gave a little explanation of both of them for her. As soon as I finish, every child in that art room broke out in applause for my sweet, little girl. She was the only one that the whole class cheered for--true Christmas cheer. Walking back to her desk, my eyes were teary and my heart was so full. What a sweet, precious thing to witness. The understand that those children have for my students and the love, encouragement, and acceptance that they show my students is so moving to me. The heart of a child can really surprise you. 

Guys, these drawings were things that only she knew what they were! I mean, it was a jumbled page filled with all sorts of 'stuff' and that's where the beauty in all this is! 

Long after all of my students left, this little girl's Dad came to our school to withdraw her because they are moving. I sat and thought to myself how great is our God? I didn't know that Friday was this little girl's last day and what a way to go out, with a classroom cheering for you. 

What a precious gift The Lord gave her, and me that day. His tender love & care for His children never ceases to amaze me. He cares about my little student and her scratchy drawings. Thank you Jesus for caring about us, even our scratchy drawings and for providing us with people that are FOR US--people that love us and cheer for us. What a beautiful picture of the gospel. Often times we come to you Lord, with our heads hung low, hiding behind something, someone, yet you meet us there and you take us, and you cheer for us. 

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