Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Spicy Sweet Potato Medallions & Chia Seed Pudding

I was blog browsing earlier today through my usual "reads" and came across this awesome recipe from "A Small Snippett" blog.  Check her out, she has adorable kiddos and some really great posts! 
Today's was no exception and it was right in time for dinner.

I love sweet potatoes in any shape, form, or fashion. I've even gotten purple sweet potatoes from the farmer's market. I'll never pass up a sweet potato! With that being said, I have to share this awesome recipe from her blog. 

Spicy Sweet Potato Medallions 
let me preface by saying these are not actually spicy--they just have a really nice flavor! They would definitely be "kid friendly" if you are cooking for the family. 
We had the sweet potato medallions, broccoli, and lemon pepper seasoned fish. The sweet potatoes and the broccoli were fresh from the farmer's market!

What you need:
2-3 medium sized sweet potatoes
Olive oil
Kosher salt
Red Pepper Flakes (I added these myself for a little more of a kick)

What you do:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Scrub the potatoes then pat dry
Starting at one end, cut sweet potatoes into 1/8-1/4 inch medallions--keep the size the same so they cook evenly
Line the medallions on foil on a baking sheet
Drizzle with olive oil and generously sprinkle with kosher salt and paprika
Bake for about 20 minutes, more if you want them crisper. 
Serve immediately

If I'm being honest, I could have had a plate full of the potatoes only--they were that good! 

For dessert? Well, since we are trying to eat clean again--we had Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding (yes, there's another recipe share coming up).  Remember, don't judge a book by it's cover--this looks weird, maybe a little gross and unapproachable, but trust me--it's good! Sweet and much better for your body than your heart's desired ice cream.
Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding
Makes 2 regular size servings or 4 smaller servings

What you need:
4 tablespoons chia seeds
1 cup coconut milk (or almond milk) 
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
pinch of salt
honey (only for extra sweeter if needed)

What you do:
In a small bowl or jar mix the first four ingredients.
Give it a good stir and refrigerate for at least one hour
After the first 30 minutes, give it a good stir so it doesn't clump together
I let ours sit overnight
Only stir in the honey as needed. I've found that it's plenty sweet enough without it!

Here's to a night of fun, healthy, different cooking. 

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