Friday, December 24, 2021

Oxford Wedding Weekend 12/18/21

Our family's long time friends had a wedding in Oxford last weekend. 
We made our way there and had such a good time. We ate TOO MUCH good food, got to experience Ann Hatten's enchantment with her first wedding--that she could actually take in what all was happening. It was so. much. fun!

A fun story--so when Mary Claire was turning 21, our family made our way to Oxford for a surprise birthday celebration for her. This was Jason's first big outing with our whole family and we went to Boure', which is where the pickle martinis are from. So this place and that drink hold a little bit of a special meaning for us. This was the first time we've been back to Oxford since then and we KNEW we had to have a pickle martini. They were just as delicious as we remembered and it was fun to sit there and talk about those early days of dating. 
Before we get in to wedding pictures, I have to say that every single thing we ate that weekend was delicious. My family tells me all the time how good the restaurants are in Oxford and I have to say, they lived up to the hype. We went to (and would suggest) Boure', Big Bad Breakfast, and Insomnia Cookie. Y'all know I love a good meal!

On to the wedding. The ceremony was so fun because Ann Hatten sat with us and kept talking about seeing the Princess. She was SO excited and even made sure her Grando saw her as he was walking down the aisle to perform the wedding. She was glued to the aisle and loved seeing everyone walk down. She even "shushed" me one time when I tried to tell her something! I'm glad to know she's taking it so seriously-ha! The one thing she was disappointed about was that the cake was no where to be seen in the church. We had to explain to her that we had to go to the reception and that's where the cakes would be. 
We made it to the reception and as you can see, she was the first one on the dance floor and I think she put in the most miles on that floor, too. I will be 100% surprised if she's not in every single picture from the reception! She had the time of her life and I'd be lying if I said we didn't enjoy watching her. 
Bennett got a little dance floor action himself and he was the cutest little fella on the floor. 

I am pretty sure she told Mary Claire she needed to take her shoes off so that she could dance better. I feel you girl, I feel you!
Even though it's blurry, I love this picture of Bennett. He looks so cute and teeny tiny when he's standing up like that next to Jason's long legs. 

Oh and this, this is what a picture taken by your almost four-year-old niece looks like when she's scurrying back to the dance floor. 
Oxford, you now hold a few more good memories for us.  

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