Monday, December 28, 2020

Merry COVID Christmas

Well, it's safe to say this Christmas break was one like no other as Jason and I both had COVID the first part of the week--and yes, this included Christmas Eve, Day, and a few following. It was a HUGE BUMMER but, our family and friends made it bearable and in some ways, it still felt like Christmas--even without being able to partake in our favorite things!

We had family members and friends dropping off food and treats left and right. 
Unfortunately, we both lost our smell and taste but, we were nourished and well taken care of! 
It's coming back, slowly but surely. 

As different as this Christmas holiday was, I want to remember it. 
I want to remember how we had to take it slow, had to rely on others, and were able to literally spend every second of it together. It was sweet, in it's own COVID way and I know I will never forget it. 

I think this was my first Christmas Eve Communion Service to ever miss (in person) and while it was sad--if it wasn't for quarantine in March, we would not have had this live stream service and so for that, I am thankful that we were still able to "be there" through streaming. 

Christmas Eve is when all of my family gets together and opens presents. So, we FaceTimed and got to see everyone open their gifts and they watched us open ours (that our family had so graciously dropped off earlier that day). 
As we've gotten older, our stockings are our surprise from my parents on Christmas morning. We never know what's going to be in there and it's always so much fun opening those and going through them together. Since we were quarantined this year, Mom boxed up our stockings and delivered them to the front door with a strict note to not open them until Christmas morning. It was a gesture that most definitely made it feel more like Christmas! We FaceTimed her and Dad while we went through them before the craziness of their day started. It was simple & sweet and very much appreciated. 
Since we couldn't see anyone, we were sent ALL THE CUTE PICTURES of everyone from their Christmas mornings. 

Bennett, stealing the show with that smile!
Blair said that his new sippy cup was his favorite gift--ha!
Then, later that day, we zoomed with our extended family that we usually travel to see during the holidays. 
It felt the same as we were all talking over one another and spent a good bit of the time laughing and smiling. 

We ended the day snuggled up on the couch,  FaceTiming with Jason's parents since our trip to go and see them was also delayed for the time being. 

All of that being said, know that Jason and I are on the mend and are looking forward to spending the last week of our Christmas break out of quarantine!

I'll end by sharing this excerpt from the Advent book I read this year. The book was so, so good--it was, "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus" and I highly, highly recommend it. 
This one was from an entry written by Joni Eareckson Tada:

“On this side of eternity, Christmas is still a promise. Yes, the Savior has come, and with Him peace on earth, but the story is not finished. Yes, there is peace in our hearts, but we long for peace in our world. ⁣
Every Christmas is still “a turning of the page” until Jesus returns. Every December 25 marks another year that draws us closer to the fulfillment of the ages, that’s draws us closer to home. ⁣
When we realize that Jesus is the answer to our deepest longing, even Christmas longings, each Advent brings us closer to His glorious return to earth. When we see Him as He is, King of kings and Lord of lords, that will be “Christmas” indeed! ⁣
Christmas is an invitation to a celebration yet to happen. If you’ve got a Christmas longing, you’re about to be satisfied, too. Just hold on and say with me...Maranatha! Come Lord!” ⁣
Joni Eareckson Tada

Like I said, it was a Christmas like no other but, one thing is sure--the truth and meaning of Christmas, Jesus becoming a baby and coming to save us all from our sins, doesn't change...even when you have COVID and Praise God for that!

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

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