Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Reads for 2019

Slim pickings this year, guys! 

With a hectic school year paired with completing my Master's Degree during 11 of the 12 months this year, there was not much time for leisure reading. I enjoyed the books I was able to read and am here to share them with you.
"I've Got This Round" Mamrie Hart--Disclaimer, this one is for adult audiences as it's would fall under the "crude humor" heading at times! Mamrie is a comedian and her books are hilarious. She gets in to all types of shenanigans and that's what this book is--the tales of her "adventures" and she is just a mess. It's seriously funny and was an easy read. 

"A Severe Mercy" Sheldon Vanauken--This was recommended by a friend as one of their favorite books. It's also the one I spent most of the year reading (from the end of January until July). It was such a great book. A true story of a man and his great love and how their friendship with C.S. Lewis (taking note of his love for The Lord) changed their lives and their love. It's one of the best true stories I've read--I highly recommend this one. 

"Thinking in Pictures: My Life with Autism"Dr. Temple Grandin--I had the privilege of hearing Dr. Grandin speak at a conference this August. If you haven't heard of her, she is a well-known individual with Autism. She has made strides in the world of livestock handling and slaughterhouses because of her visual thinking, sensory needs, and according to her, her autism. This book is all about her life from childhood to adulthood and how her Autism has both hindered and helped her. She does a phenomenal job of helping the reader visualize how someone with Autism may think. This was a wonderful, informative book.

"Hidden Christmas: The Surprising Truth Behind the Birth of Christ" Timothy Keller--Each year, I try to read a Christmas book during December. This year, I chose this one. Tim Keller does such great job of explaining Christian truths in a way that's 

"Love Came Down at Christmas" Sinclair B. Ferguson--This was an advent read and it was really, really good. Each year, I try to do an advent book/devotional and this one was very easy to follow along with and it was jam-packed with good, biblical insight about what Christmas is and what it means for us all. 

Per usual, if you click the titles, it will take you to the book on Amazon.

Here's to hoping I have more time to read in 2020! 

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