Saturday, April 1, 2017

What I'm Loving Right Now (11)

I started this post mid-March but, I'm still loving these things here in April as well ;)
4 year "engagement-a-versary"--on the 14th, it had been 4 years since this sweet, special day that we got engaged and it is still one of the best days of my life. Find the whole story "here".

Babies--I am loving all my sweet new Mama and/or pregnant friends I have right now. One due early May and the other due early August (hoping he comes 1 week early...on my birthday ;) with 2 more due in October and November! Bring on all the cute baby clothes & snuggles

Modern Family--this show CRACKS ME UP. If you haven't watched it, do yourself a favor and start now. You won't regret it.

A Little Princess Book--I got this bad boy from Barnes & Noble for only $10. Yep, you read that right, $10 for such a beautiful book. I've never read the book but the movie is one of my all-time favorites.

Altra Running Shoes--I got some of these shoes in January and I LOVE THEM. They are my favorite running shoes that I've had yet. They are "foot shaped" so they allow your toes to splay naturally as they should while running. I highly recommend them--I call them my clown shoes because of the rounded toe, but, they are totally worth it.

New Swimmies--how cute are these swimsuits?! I am always on the hunt for a high waisted suit. This year, I went to my trustworthy site, amazon. They did not disappoint! You can find the red with floral bottoms here, the black and blue floral here, and the coral fringe with floral here (I think I may be attracted to floral print...just a little).

 Mom and I went to "cut back" the bushes many, many, many months ago and we ended up having to scalp them. But, they are growing back and they are going to be beautiful!
 You can kind of see the filled in cracks on the driveway. We were tired of grass growing between the cracks so, we put an end to it...hopefully!
Does anyone else love mulch like I do?
 It just makes everything pop and look so good!
A weed free front yard--Jason and I used our Spring Break to spiff up the yard and make it presentable for Spring. While he filled in the cracks in our drive way--yes, it's as tedious as it sounds, I spent 3 days pulling weeds and trying to fix the mess that Winter made of our yard! I decided fairly early on in our marriage that I really like doing yard work. There's something about the instant gratification of seeing your work as your progress and knowing that it will only get better looking! I'm a yardie. One of these days, we will tackle the back yard and make it as pretty as the front! I'm thinking some raised beds back there, a pergola, a hammock--the good things!

Watercolor & Ink--How beautiful is this painting from the Farmer's Market? I love watercolor and ink so when I saw how wonderful this woman's work was, I had to have it! Not only is it perfect, it filled in a spot I've been wanting to fill since we moved in! Double whammy. 

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