Friday, January 1, 2016

Reads for 2015

Since starting this post on Jan 5, 2015 I have only been able to read 12 books!
If you know me at all, you know this is about half the amount that I would have like to have read. But, that's life--and right now, life is busy, busy, busy.
(Each book entry is made to where you can click on the title and it will take you to where you can order it if it happens to interest you!)

"On The Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness: The Wingfeather Saga Book One" Andrew Peterson--Oh my! Just the beginning of this enchanting, four book series. Here we have a set of 3 children, 2 brothers and a sister who live quite the ordinary life. Yet, adventure comes and they find that there's much more to their quest little town and family.

"North! Or Be Eaten: Wild Escapes. A Desperate Journey. And the Ghastly Fangs of Dang. (The Wingfeather Saga Book Two)" Andrew Peterson--Just as with most series, this one was better than the last! This one is full of ups and downs and great adventures. In order to survive, the Igibys must flee to the safety of the Ice Prairies, where the lizardlike Fangs of Dang cannot follow. Along the way, they encounter monsters, thieves, and the Fork Factory. Janner & his siblings learn though, what conquers all.

"The Monster in the Hollows: The Wingfeather Saga Book Three"  Andrew Peterson--So far, the third book is my favorite one. Oh my goodness! There are some parts in this book (which I just can't share because I want you all to read them) that had me in tears, parts where I was laughing out loud. I just get so captivated by this story! It never fails. I have high, high hopes for this final book.

"The Warden and The Wolf King: The Wingfeather Saga Book Four" Andrew Peterson--What an end to a series! This book had me weeping at the end of it. It was such a beautiful picture of Christ and how he fights for us and how he wants to save us, at all costs. READ THIS SERIES!

"Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe: A Daily Guide to Scripture-Based Prayer" Sharon Jaynes--I bought this book because I wanted to spend a month intentionally praying for Jason. This was a great guide with some really good points. Each day, you literally pray for your husband from head to toe, in different ways that all have scripture that coincide. I really, really enjoyed it. I actually ended up using it again for another month.

Percy Jackson & The Olympian's Series by Rick Riordan
Yes, yes another series--it's my OCD kicking in! This one is so fun and easy to read--I always loved Greek Mythology growing up and that's one of the main things that drew me to this series. I guess in some way, you could say there's some mini history lessons throughout these books ;) In all honesty, this series was almost a little too juvenile, but I did enjoy it over all. I will say, they progressively got better as reading on!
The set includes:
The Lightening Thief
The Sea of Monsters
The Titans Curse
The Battle of the Labyrinth
The Last Olympian 

"It Starts with Food" Dallas & Melissa Hartwig
If you've heard of Whole30--this is where it came from. This was a very insightful book. It had very easy to understand explanations of why/how certain food effect our bodies. I really learned a lot from them and tackled the Whole30 and felt amazing. It's definitely worth a read and a try if you want to gain control (emotionally, physically, psychologically) over the foods you eat and feel better than you've felt in a long time. It's been awesome.

"Teach like a Pirate" Dave Burgess (not pictured)
This was our summer reading for school (as teachers) and it was such a great book. Dave Burgess has it together and his outlook/insight on teaching and education just made me want to run and hug him. I loved so much of what he had to say. Not only that, he gave a ton of real-life, applicable ways to implement his ideas into any classroom. He really got me thinking. It was the perfect book to read to start off my new year with my kiddos.

Out of all of my reads for 2015, the Wingfeather Saga was my favorite. They were SO GOOD & appropriate for children and adults a like. If you want a fun, entertaining read that has a deeper meaning for the adult readers, you'll want to snag these books up ASAP!

My goal for 2016? Double my reads from 2015!

My reads for 2014 list can be found here

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