Sunday, December 20, 2015

What I'm Loving Right Now (8)

Gosh! Please excuse my lack of posting--between work, the holidays, all my cross stitching, and many more fun things, I haven't had the time to sit and do much of anything! 

But, with that being said, there is so, so much that I'm loving right now. 

Our newest family member, Mia. 
Yes, we did it! We got ourselves a pup--a poodle pup at that!
She is precious. She's definitely a lot of work, but precious nonetheless.

Brace yourselves for all kinds of pictures of this little girl. 
She is 9 weeks old and all puppy--lot's of playing, sleeping, chewing, and other cute things.

Christmas Break--I've NEVER been so ready for a break. I am so thankful for two weeks to refresh & spend time with family. Other than going to Auburn, we have plans to do a lot of nothing. I am so looking forward to this!

The Ballet--Mom and I went to the ballet yesterday afternoon. It was so, so good. I've always loved the ballet and love a chance to watch it. Ballet Magnificat did a wonderful job with their performance.

Having Christmas shopping DONE--Jason was all about getting our shopping done early this year, and for that, I am thankful. My husband is such a smart man! I am reminded of that especially when driving down Lakeland during this time. All of our gifts are wrapped and under the tree.

Christmas Music--So far this year, our favorite to listen to are the Pentatonix Christmas albums.

They are just so talented! My favorite songs that they do? Little Drummer Boy and Mary Did You Know. (Click the titles to watch the videos if these don't work)

Cross Stitching--I have done 8 letter for people for Christmas gifts they are giving to people. I can't wait to post the pictures after Christmas! I am still really enjoying this little hobby of mine. I always love seeing how all the different color combinations turn out--each one becomes my new favorite one I've done. 

Christmas Lights--I decorated earlier this year. I actually did it the day after Thanksgiving so that I could enjoy our lights a little longer than the past 2 years.

The first weekend in December, Jason and I were in the Christmas Cantata at the church.
I love participating in the Christmas Cantata. While practicing one evening, I was reading the narrations and this line struck a chord with me:
It was Simeon speaking and he said "This small baby was not what I had expected. He was greater than I had expected. How like our God to bring salvation in such a way! I needed nothing else. In Him, a light greater than all the darkness. In Him, a promise greater than all the lies. In Him, redemption bigger than all of our shame and pain and sorrow. Sovereign Lord, it is as You have Promised!"

I love that so much. Remember that this season, that Sovereign Lord, it is as He has promised!

I hope to be able to catch up on some blogging these next two weeks!
Until then, I hope you all enjoy the holidays!

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