Monday, June 15, 2015

2 Delicious Recipes, 1 Post

I know, I've been on a bit of a plantain kick here lately. 
They are so versatile and so awesome. 
Friday morning, we had our usual breakfast of eggs and bacon but this time around, we added some plantain bread in the mix. 
When you try to avoid grains at all costs, you jump with glee when you find "bread" recipes.
This particular one was SO EASY and really, really good--especially with egg. It originally came from this site which seems to have a lot of  good recipes--I'll be trying some of their other stuff too. 
Plantain Bread
What you need:
1 plantain (on the ripe side--more yellow than green--the more yellow the sweeter)
2 whole eggs

THAT'S IT! That's part of what makes this so amazing!

What you do:
Peel the plantain--this is harder than you may think--take it and slice it down the side and then take off the peel--don't try peeling it like a banana. 
Put the plantain in a blender along with the 2 eggs and blend. 
Once it's well blended, pour mixture onto the baking sheet (we used a round one).
Bake at 375 for 25-30 minutes.

Once again, THAT'S IT! It's so incredibly easy and so yummy. 

We are trying to eat more raw, leafy greens (which is not my favorite thing to do). 
But, I stumbled upon this gem of a recipe from our "Make it Paleo" recipe book and let's just say, I can do raw, leafy greens when they are in a "Taco Salad". 
Yep, Taco Salad---really good, delicious, and super filling salad.
Taco Salad
What you need:
1 lb ground bison (we just used grassed beef)
8 cups mixed salad greens (we used spinach)
1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced
1/2 of a red onion, thinly sliced
10 cherry tomatoes, sliced in half (we didn't use these)
1 avocado, skin and pit removed
1/2 cup cilantro
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Buffalo sauce
1 tsp each of: smoked paprika, garlic powder, cumin, chipotle, and black pepper

What you do:
Brown the meat in a large skillet over medium heat.
Once the meat is no longer pink, top with seasonings and stir until meat is evenly coated in spices.
Remove seasoned meat from heat and allow to cool slightly. 
Rinse, dry, and prepare all vegetables (we sprinkled them all with salt and pepper).
Plate the lettuce and top each plate with red bell pepper, red onion, cherry tomatoes, ground meat, avocado, cilantro, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and a drizzle of buffalo sauce. 

Jason and I decided we wanted our peppers and onions a little on the cooked side (still crunchy though) so we threw the peppers and onions in with the meat for a few minutes to flavor them up some. 

Both of these recipes are awesome!
Let me know what you think if you decide to give either one a try. 

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