Sunday, April 21, 2013

Adam, an angel

This is a re-post from a previous blog of mine, but with the time coming around and it having been 2 years since I've posted about this--I wanted to re-post it, because it is certainly a part of even this new chapter of my life and will always hold a place in my heart. 

So what I am saying is that angel is another name for my brother, Adam Armstrong Jussely, born on April 17, 1988 and died April 18, 1988.

If you're reading this, then you more than likely know me and my family--you might not have known that bit of information though. I never got to know Adam  since he was born before me but then again, I guess no one really got to know him.  Even so, being the human that I am and having the feelings that I do, it's a sad day for me.  As I sit here typing, I can't help but to think about my mom and dad and the feelings they must  feel every year when this day comes around and they think of Adam.  Yes, it's been 25 years now and yes, he was only alive for one day... but I've heard that parents (mother's especially) form such strong bonds and feelings of love for their children well before they are really born. After thinking about that I can barely find the right words to use to describe the love and adoration I feel for my parents today and just thanking God for blessing me with them.  Even sending praises for the trials they have had to overcome because they wouldn't be the amazing people they are today without them.  
Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow

Adam was born on April 17th, my mother had Group B Strep while she was pregnant with Adam and it caused complications when he was born.  If he would have lived he more than likely would have been intellectually disabled in some way (I think my mom told me before he would have more than likely been blind, deaf, and maybe some brain damage).  I think that it was God's way of caring for Adam to bring him home to Him so that he could be fully that he could "soar on wings like eagles; so he could run and not grow weary, so that he could walk and not be faint" (Isaiah 40:31).

"Today is the anniversary of when Adam died.  He has had 23 years in Heaven with Jesus.  Isn't that great?" --text from my mom this morning--and isn't that such a wonderful way to understand that, to see it as the blessing that it is :) (now it would be 25, but being a re-post I don't want to change her sweet words)

I can honestly say that when I hear my mom talk about Adam's death that I am 100% sure that's one of the reasons that my parents are so strong in their faith.  I fully believe that God does not let things happen to his children that they can't handle--and always uses situations to bring you back to Him--and my mother is a strong woman, the strongest I know--and through Adam, she found peace.  Not anger, but found a deeper love for Jesus knowing that He brought Adam to heaven to fully heal. The understanding of my parents still amazes me and reminds me of one more reason I am so thankful for them.

Hopefully from reading this post you can see one of my links to my path to be a special education teacher.  A lot of people don't know that Adam is one of the many reasons that I chose to do this, but he is.  I feel as if it's my place and that in a way I'm getting to be around people that would have been like Adam and learning from them and being able to love them, like I could have loved him, whole heartily.  God has a funny way of working things out, doesn't He?

So today, say a little prayer for my family and we'll be thanking God for our angel, Adam. 

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