Saturday, December 31, 2016

Sayonara, 2016.

Guys, I know we all (somewhat) joke now at how difficult 2016 has been...but seriously, I am ready to see it go! As I look back on 2016, I realize that it truly has been one of the toughest years for me, personally. It was full of many highs (now that I'm looking back through all of my pictures and journals) and some really, really lows for me. All of that being said not because I want to focus on these negative things, but I want to work through them and walk through the healing that comes with talking about them. I do want to say that regardless as to how this year has been, my hope is that I will look back on 2016 and see how The Lord used these various events to shape and mold me--to draw me closer to Him in all that I do.

Per usual fashion, here are the highlights (and lowlights (fairly certain that's not a 'true' word, but it works for this space) of this past year.

My brother celebrated the big 3-0 birthday this year.
I had the opportunity to spend an evening hearing John Donvan & Caren Zucker speak about their new book. I was also able to meet Don Triplett, the first man ever actually diagnosed with Autism. He is over 80 years old. I have not read the book yet, still. But, that will have to be on my list for the next year.

After 16 weeks of having our first dog, little Mia passed away unexpectedly--even now, almost 11 months later I feel so much sadness over losing her.

We got Luna I and Lucy--and 1 week later, Luna I passed away.

We celebrated 3 years since our amazing engagement in New Orleans--still one of my favorite days, ever.

We got Luna II, who was unknowingly sick when we purchased her and 18 days later, passed away. As you can now imagine, and for those of you who walked alongside us during all of our "puppy sadness", this is, in large, why 2016 was so difficult for us. So much sadness, shock, and confusion in less than 3 months time.
Miss Shelbe's Bachelorette Trip in Orange Beach

Our family's sweet 18 year old cat, B.K. passed away.

June marked 20 years that my Dad has been preaching at Lakeland Presbyterian
My 3rd Ship Island Father's Day trip with Jason's family
Mary Claire and Grant bought a house
I had my tooth implant surgery--something we have known would have to be done for years now--the time was just finally right. That day included getting my braces off, heading to the periodontist, getting my 3 "rootless" teeth removed, adding in another implant, and then back to the orthodontist (very drugged up, might I add) to get my retainer that had my temporary "teeth" on it.


Fulfilled my TEACH Grant requirements--meaning school is all "paid" for! This was a biggie.

Had my 27th birthday.

Jason's parents moved to The Coast

Shelbe & Todd got married
Jason's 3rd Griswold Family Beach Trip

My 5th and Jason's 6th year of teaching.
 Andrew Peterson, a musician and the author to one of my favorite book series came to Lakeland for a performance.

Went on one of the most fun bachelorette trips, ever.
Jason and I celebrated 4 years since our first "officially unofficial" date at Papito's.

Mary Claire and Grant got my precious fur-nephew, Moses--who is over 50 pounds now.

We celebrated my honey's birthday
We met Lauren Daigle at her AMAZING concert.  
We had the best time at Sarah & Andrew's wedding!
 I was chosen as Teacher of the Year for my school, Northside Elementary.

These sweet friends found out they are having a baby GIRL--coming March 2017


It being an election year--my first since college. 

 We found out this lady is having a baby GIRL come May.
 We celebrated our 3 year anniversary in New Orleans--our place. 
We saw Broadway's "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"

We had our first coastal Thanksgiving with Jason's family 

My Mississippi State Bulldogs took home the win from the Egg Bowl.


We had a 1/2 of work because the Pearl Pirates made it to the State Championship for football

For all of 2016, I did 27 different cross stitch letters for people. Let's hope to have as many in 2017!
 I got my temporary (almost final) teeth! No more retainer with my front 4 teeth attached with denture gum! I never thought I would be 27 saying "All I want for Christmas is my four front teeth." Santa, aka Dr. Langston delivered on my Christmas wish.
 (almost) all of the family together for the Griswold family Christmas.

As you can see, the beginning of 2016 was just, bleh. I told my Mom that I almost didn't want to include some of the events on this post. But, that's life. That's what life has been like for us over the past year and I can say with certainty, that I've learned a heap-load and I am sure there will be even more to come from these happenings. This is part of the healing, being honest and sharing the rough patches because we all know that life isn't always "blog worthy". I am thankful to end the year with many sweet and good memories. Thank you Jesus for your grace and mercy in our life, even when we haven't deserved it.

I want to end by sharing with you Scotty Smith's prayer for New Years Eve:

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10 (NLT)

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Eph. 2:8-10 (NIV)

Heavenly Father, on the last day of 2016, our hearts are filled with many thoughts and multiple emotions. What a complex, confusing, concerned-filled year it’s been—globally and locally.

But as much as we pray 2017 will be significantly different, the primary resolution we’ll make tonight is to abandon ourselves to Jesus—who is our “righteousness, sanctification, and redemption” (1 Cor. 1:30), “the ruler of the kings of the earth” (Rev. 1:5), and the Lord who is actively making “all things new” (Rev. 21:5).

Jesus is our only boast and riches, confidence and joy, sanity and peace. Some trust in horses and chariots, and some rely on resolutions and rededications; but our hope is built on nothing less, more, or other than Jesus, and his finished work on our behalf. The good work of salvation you began in us, you will complete for us. For so great and grace-full a salvation, we praise, bless, and adore you, Father.

During the past year, you were always faithful and loving, even when we questioned your ways and, at times, felt distant from your heart. You are always at work in all things, for your glory and for our good, even when we worry and whine. As we begin 2017, help us discern the good works you’ve prepared for us to walk in, for the benefit of our neighbors and community (Eph. 2:10).

Help us discern between the good and the best, the essential and the non-essential. What relationships would you have us invest more in more fully? What things and people must we simply release to you? In all things, make Jesus bigger and more beautiful in our gaze. Oh, that 2017 would be the year you would send him back. 
So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ reigning and righteous name.

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