Saturday, February 12, 2022

James is TWO! 1/29/22

James man is T W O and I can't believe it! 
He had the cutest party the last weekend in January and it was the best celebration for him. 
He has grown so much over the year and it's been so sweet watching him grow and change so much. 
I feel like they change so much going from one to two and even more from two to three so I am looking forward to spending more time with him in the coming year. 

James is talking so much and I can say that he has the cutest little grin that lights up the whole room. 
He is inquisitive and loves getting in to things. He is precious and we love him so very much!

Little brother, Luke, chilling with Mimi. He got to watch all the action happening around him. 
Jason and I brought Ann Hatten to the party and she was loving getting to use my old digital camera. 
The party theme and decorations were so precious--construction/work site theme!

Cousins enjoying some sweet treats and time together.

Too much sweetness in one picture. 
Ann Hatten LOVES holding "Baby Luke" and she's gotten pretty good at it.
Those sleepy eyes are too much to handle--sweet, sweet boy!
The birthday boy enjoying some snacks with his Papaw!

I always love watching their reactions to the whole room erupting in song and staring at them--HA!
James wasn't sure what to think--he kept his cool and took it all in. 

He was SO PRECIOUS while opening his gifts. 
He did it very slowly and carefully.

"What Aunt Ellen? Why do you keep calling my name?" Is what I'm sure he was thinking by that point!
Checking out his new kitchen! He seemed to really like this one. 

Instagram (above) vs. Reality (below)

James, HAPPY BIRTHDAY you little cutie pie. 
We love you and love celebrating with you!

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