Tuesday, May 26, 2020

"48 Days" COVID-19 School Ending

There's so much that I want to remember about this time. 
I keep asking myself, "how could I ever forget when... (insert unusual thing that's happened as a result of coronavirus)" 
But, I know there will come a time when (Lord willing) this will all be a faint memory for us all.
I've taken a 7 pictures just like this over the span of my teaching career. 
I've finished up 7 school years in "typical" fashion and been more than excited to begin my summer vacation. But, this one sat differently as I thought about wrapping up this...unique school year.

This was not the ending we had hoped for as we packed up our classroom this year. ⁣
It felt detached and empty. ⁣
If I’m being honest, this was the most difficult & strange school year I’ve had thus far in my career (before COVID-19 was even present) and as I navigated those days, the words of my sweet Mom came to the forefront of my mind, “What is The Lord trying to teach you through this?” I know that this year especially, there’s so, so much to unpack as I think about answering that question. ⁣
We haven’t spent the full day with our students (in person) since March 6th, our Superhero Celebration, the day before Spring Break. I was exhausted that day as “special” days don’t always turn out well for my kiddos that thrive on routine and predictability. Although it was fun day, I’m sad that that’s how their physical school year ended—without anyone knowing that would be it. ⁣
48 school days that we missed getting our morning hugs, completing our centers, working together in circle time, unwinding during sensory time, and telling them we love them as they headed home for the day. ⁣
There was so much more to come!⁣
I’m thankful that “distance learning” gave me the opportunity to learn new skills and deepen my relationship with my students and their parents as we navigated this together. But, at the end of the day, nothing compares to face to face instruction and interaction. ⁣
Coming into a classroom that was completely empty for such a long time felt...wrong almost. THIS classroom is full of life, it is always loud (even when it shouldn’t be 😜), it’s full of various modes of learning, it’s full of unique kiddos, it’s full of working minds, and it’s always full of love & respect for each individual that I’m blessed to call mine. ⁣
All of that being said, I have a lot to unpack as I ponder Mama Carol’s question that always comes to mind. Usually, I’m ready for summer. This summer, I’m walking away from this empty classroom already counting down the days until that room is full again 💙

A few little things that I wanted to make sure I documented to remember during the school closure:
Making pictures like this to send to our students so they would know we were thinking about them.

Having Jake Johnson, aka Peter Parker from "Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse" offer to send voice memos to our classes--amazing!

Mailing letters of encouragement to each of my students at their homes as they navigate distance learning and working from home with their parents rather than at school. 
Receiving sweet pieces of mail back from them in return. 
Having virtual Awards Day for each of the schools. 
And sending our students off to begin their summer vacation through hosting a drive through "Supplies and Goodbyes" where they could drive around the school, stop by and see their teachers, receive any supplies, awards, and happies and give one last "air hug" or "air five" before ending the school year. 

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