Saturday, April 25, 2015

Satisfied Saturday

Life has been BUSY lately. I have some "update posts" coming this way very soon!
The end of the year is the busiest time for Special Education teachers as we write IEPs, have meeting after meeting, all while still teaching/spending time with these precious kiddos that we only have 20 more school days with. Goodness! I am also going to a shower, a wedding, bachelorette trip, or some wedding related event almost every weekend as well. So, you can only guess that you and I have quite a bit of catching up to do! 

But, first things first--today was awesome. 
I woke up early to prepare for my mother-in-law and mom to come over and help me tackle this MESS of a front yard I have (had) right now. Don't get me wrong, I mow. But, the beds....ohhhhhh those beds were BAD. You can only guess how bad they were since BOTH of them wanted (knew they needed) to come and help me. 
It all started with this pot---and how it sat by my front door, with nothing in it for well over a year. Cat had enough and decided to get me started with this beautiful purslane. Now, I love walking out my front door ;)
This may sound silly but I never did yard work before getting married. I mowed for the first time when Jason and I bought our house and I realized his allergies couldn't handle it. I LOATHED it at first. Our smaller yard seemed to grow with each push of the lawn mower. My hands would just vibrate and my weak arms could barely push the thing. I was pathetic. Now, after mowing who knows how many times, I actually ENJOY it. It's therapeutic to me--I get my "grass cuttin'" shoes on, throw on the iPod shuffle and I'm a mean, green, grass cutting machine (I know, good days bring out my cheesiness!) But, cutting the grass was enough for me. I didn't tend to the bushes, flower beds, you know...all the rest. Mom would come and help me pull weeds whenever I did so, which was like, twice a year. If you can't tell, yard work isn't my strong suit. 

But, as of today, I am LEARNING. These two ladies took care of business and taught me along the way. I got to pick out flowers I wanted, pull weeds, dig holes (big shovels aren't a joke), see bees & worms, find stepping stones that were long time buried under brush, get a few thorns stickings, learn how to plant flowers, how often to water them, and made my beds look beautiful!

I loved seeing our progress as we worked--I think that's one of the main things I like about yardwork/gardening--there's instant gratification there. You see your progress and it's helpful that it's aesthetically pleasing! I really loved doing this with two ladies who I love so dearly who willingly took the time out of their day (4 hours of hard work) to spend time with me, teach me, and show me in another way how much they love me. As I said, it was a satisfying Saturday to say the least!

I got to celebrate my now beautiful yard by going to a shower for Blair. 
It was just what I needed! Good company, good food, and good drinks.
I can't believe that I will have a sister-in-law in just 63 short days! 

 I couldn't get over this--a champagne fountain. It was SO PRETTY. 

Now, I'm relaxing with my sweet man about to watch Taken 3. 
Satisfied Saturday. 

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