Thursday, June 9, 2022

Papa Steve's 70th 4/29

My Daddy. 

What a blessing it is to have a father and even more so, an active, interested, loving, kind, and caring father. We have been immensely blessed to have Papa Steve as the head of our household throughout childhood now, as an ever-present and loving support in adulthood.

He had a big birthday in April and we had even bigger celebrations. Since this was his big 70th birthday, Mom and I schemed and got his friends, family, and anyone who wanted to participate to send a card to him. My goal was for him to get at least 70 cards and by the time it was all said and done, he had over 70! It was so much fun to sit with him and Mom as he opened and read each of them. Thank you to everyone who took the time to write about their favorite memory or to share encouraging words for the year ahead. You helped make this birthday especially sweet. 

The busyness of spring took over and we didn't get to have our family celebration until a week or so later but, it was well worth the wait!

Ann Hatten & James loved getting to help put the candles on Grando's cake--they were pros.

Grando, Mimi, and the boys

Dad, you have the brightest smile, the best laugh, and are the ultimate Dad. You are a treasure and such a blessing to us all! The Lord has given us such a sweet blessing in giving you the gift to share His love, His truths, His grace, and His mercy. We love you so much and pray for the most joy-filled year ahead!⁣
“May they invest their moments well in the coming year and in all years to follow, loving life always with the end in view, in pursuit of that eternal prize that will allow them to look ever with gladness and never with regret upon the passing of their years, as each subsequent birthday will be but the marking of a step nearer to the final fulfillment of all they have so long hoped and labored for. Amen!” An excerpt from "Every Moment Holy"

Happy 70th to Papa Steve!

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