Thursday, June 9, 2022

Life Update

Two major things took place in May and while I'm late posting about them on here, hopefully you've already heard the news since I've been so excited!

First, Jason and I graduated from William Carey! We completed their Educational Leadership program and received our Specialist degrees. While it was a lot of work, it was fun getting to do it with my favorite person by my side. What a special experience for us and then even more so, getting to graduate side by side! It was so special and we are thankful for all of the kind congratulatory words. 

In addition to graduating, I was nominated and received the honor of being selected as certified staff of the month for the district for the month of May. It was the sweetest way to wrap up year 10 and my transition into my new position within the district. 

This has been the busiest spring semester but, there have been some really sweet moments here of late. Receiving this honor ended up causing a lot of reflecting for me as this year came to an end. 

As stated above, after 10 years in my classroom, I am moving into a new position next year. I will be the Behavior Specialist/Behavior Support Teacher for Pre-K through 8th grade. I am incredibly excited for what is to come and looking forward to stepping in to this new role! 

Even with the excitement, this still feels bittersweet! I’ve been reminiscing with Jason on all the things as we are nearing the end of the school year. While I’m still going to be in Pearl, Northside has been the best gift over the years. I met my husband here, I have made life long friends, I’ve furthered my education, completed my National Boards, and so much more. The Lord has used so many people and experiences to shape me through this building on Harle Street. 

And my sweet students. I’ve had many students walk into my classroom doors throughout my time at Northside and I can tell you something special about each one of them. They have made a lasting impression on me and I know I learned just as much from them as they did from me. They have shaped me and changed me in so many ways and I am thankful for each and every one of them! They are the best part of my job 💚

My Mom always reminds me to think about what The Lord has taught you through situations. This is one of the big ones. A decade of my life has been shaped and marked by things that have happened at Northside. The Lord has been so, so good and I am thankful for His faithfulness and provision through working in a place and with people and am children who I love so much!

We were all asked to attend the board meeting for recognition which was so fun to experience together!
I spent the last week of school writing little notes to a few people who made a lasting impact on me during my time at Northside and one of the things that I was reminded of was my very first day on the job. Our principal started our first staff meeting by reminding us "we work unto God and not unto man" (Colossians 3:23). I knew on my first day that Northside was special but, I could have never comprehended the depths of how it would impact me in my adult life. I am blessed to have had a job I love so, so incredibly much and I am forever thankful. 
packed up this room for the last time after 10 years--so, so bittersweet. 
Our last, last day together at Northside. 

If you know me at all, you know how much I love this place and have enjoyed my 10 years teaching here. While I’m staying in the Pearl District, I’ll miss working alongside my favorite person 

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